IQD Frequency Products


Since 1973, IQD Frequency Products has established a leading position in the European market as a specialist manufacturer and supplier of quartz based frequency control components. IQD Frequency’s facilities are supplemented by a small number of quality managed partner factories with specific technology strengths and has been ISO 9001 certified.


IQD Frequency offers one of the most comprehensive frequency product ranges available, from low cost commercial grade product to that used in high reliability military and professional grade applications, including Quartz Crystals, Crystal Clock Oscillators, Industrial & Automotive Crystals (AEC-Q200 & TS16949 release with full PPAP), Fast Make Oscillators, VCXOs, TCXOs & VCTCXOs, OCXOs, GPS Disciplined OCXOs and Rubidium Oscillator.

Quartz Crystals

IQD Frequency offers a comprehensive range of Quartz Crystal resonators covering both surface mount (SMD) and legacy thru-hole quartz crystal units that is suitable for most applications.

Clock Oscillators

IQD Frequency’s comprehensive range of crystal Clock Oscillators are available in a range of voltages down to 1.8V and in a variety of package sizes including both miniature surface mount (SMD) and thru-hole packages.


Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillators (VCXOs) are used for fine adjustment of the operating frequency and are normally used in conjunction with a phase locked loop.


IQD Frequency's wide range of Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXOs) and Voltage Controlled TCXOs (VCTCXOs) offer tight frequency temperature stability performance down to the 'parts per billion' (ppb) level of many low end Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators (OCXOs).


IQD Frequency's range of Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators (OCXOs) includes frequencies up to 100MHz with a broad range of package sizes, supply voltages and outputs available.

GPS Disciplined OCXOs

GPS Disciplined OCXOs (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillators) are a range of advanced clock modules which provide electrical timing functionality for distributed network systems.

Rubidium Oscillators

Rubidium Oscillators are a type of atomic clock. It has the most accurate time standards known and are used as time distribution services to control telecommunications infrastructure, TV broadcasts and global navigation satellite systems (GPS).
